Hier erfahren Teilnehmer alle erforderlichen Details, über Start- und Ergebnislisten bis hin zu Zugangsmöglichkeiten und Anfahrt-Informationen.
Contact Details Show Ground
Gut Weiherhof,
Weiherhof 1
D-78315 Radolfzell
Telephone: +49 7732 95068-13
Alternate: +49 7732 95068-14
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 47°45’23.5″N / Longitude: 8°54’47.0″E
Accessibility Details:
Arrival by road: Motorway Stuttgart – Konstanz, at interchange Kreuz Hegau continue onto B33 direction Radolfzell / Konstanz, Exit Steißlingen/Moos at the Exit direction Singen, after abt 1 km turn left and then after 250 m turn left again at T-Junction direction Moos, 300m after T-Junction turn left. You will find the stable area on the left side of the road.
Arrival by train: Singen or Radolfzell-Böhringen
Arrival by plane: Zürich, Friedrichshafen, Stuttgart